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Showing posts from May, 2021

Top 5 Myths About IVF That You Need To Know About

IVF, or in vitro fertilization, is becoming increasingly popular among couples who cannot conceive naturally, despite having tried for months or even years together. Advanced reproductive treatments and techniques have shown remarkable progress in the last 40 years.   There is still a lot of misleading information regarding IVF and IVF-related treatments out there, leaving couples in a fix whether to opt for the treatment or not. In this article, we aim to bust those myths regarding IVF treatments and help you make more informed decisions using facts and truths only. Top Myths You Need To Know About IVF           I.     There Is Nothing Natural About IVF IVF is a procedure that tries to expedite or make successful a process that happens naturally in humans. For babies to happen naturally, the sperm needs to successfully fertilize the egg. In IVF too, this fertilization of the egg by the sperm happens, where the only di...

Female Infertility Symptoms and Treatment Options

  Over the years, infertility has become more than just a truth that couples accept for the rest of their lives. Infertility is a condition defined by science as the failure of a couple to conceive naturally, despite having tried for at least one year. Science has progressed far enough to help such scientifically deemed infertile couples have a chance at successful conception eventually. In India, almost ten to fifteen percent of couples are infertile. The likelihood of an infertile female partner is the same as that of an infertile male partner. Being unable to conceive is as mentally and emotionally taxing as it is physically. As a woman finding it difficult to conceive, you must have several questions running through your mind: 1.        What if I’m infertile? 2.        How do I check if I’m infertile? 3.        What causes infertility in women? 4.        Can f...

Tips To Boost Your IVF Success

They say that IVF is a combination of science and luck. Though there is a lot of dependency on science and scientific reasons, the result, in the end, may not be 100 dependent on science alone. The gynecologist and the IVF specialist can only work towards interpolating your body’s metrics to determine the chances of a successful IVF cycle. Using different techniques, they create embryos using your egg and sperm, and if successful, they then implant these embryos inside your uterus. However, the success largely depends on the quality of the egg, the sperm, and the uterus. Here are some tips by experienced IVF specialists that can help boost your IVF success : 1.     Healthy Body And Mind The most important preparation for your IVF cycle is to go in prepared with a healthy and active body and a calm and strong mind. The IVF cycle by itself can be an emotionally and mentally challenging one. Maintain a good and balanced diet, with: -     ...