Let me introduce you to people known as embryologists . In layman terms, they are simply those who make babies in the lab. Early in my career, there was an incident related to work that I will never forget. My dad was out for his evening walk when I ran to catch up with him. He proudly introduced me to a bunch of his senior-citizen friends, “This is my daughter and she makes babies!” I could feel all the old hearts there do a somersault. I was red with embarrassment. “Make babies for other people in a lab with the help of IVF,” I corrected him. My dad laughed, patted my back and said, “Yes, it is the same thing.” In my mind, to prevent such an incident from reoccurring, I vowed to give my dad a few lessons on the essentials of being an embryologist. At the clinic, we are required to change into scrubs before we enter the lab in order to minimize the entry of dust and microorganisms. Scrubs are commonly worn by doctors, nurses, and medical students when at work. They are designed ...
We have felt their nervousness which is parallel to what one feels when confronted with the unfamiliar. In response, we started ‘Archish’ to bring to people the entire process of IVF in a simple, comprehensible format and language, thus erasing any questions or concerns they might have about the subject.